Sunday, November 11, 2007

Four Eyes

I'm glad I never made fun of people who wear glasses. Not because I pride myself on being all nice, or anything. But because I am now among the four eyed masses. At least when I read.

Apparently my eyes are getting old. The doctor explained that my poor little lenses aren't as flexible as they once were, and that's why after reading or computer work, everything at a distance is blurry.

So, last week I got my new reading glasses. They're ok I guess. I mean, I really like how clear the words on the screen are, and that I don't have to work to focus like I did before. I just feel like I look old. Or maybe I just feel old. Nobody in the house has laughed at me yet, at least where I could hear.


  1. Hah! You better not make fun of people with glasses. Welcome to the new world of clear vision. It's an amazing world we've been missing!

  2. You don't actually look as weird as I thought you would. If that helps. Hmmm, sorry, it probably doesn't. But I still think you should have gotten the kind with bling.

  3. I think they are darling!!! You look very cute in your new glasses!

  4. I think they look great, but I also liked Karianne's idea, a little bling could be fun. :)

  5. a little unknown about me...i have always wanted glasses and have yet to need them. they look great granny:)
