Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Psychic Susan

My second daughter, Susan, is turning thirteen this month. This child has an interesting gift: she has an extra sense of things unseen. It was particularly noticeable when she was small. As an infant, she was very tuned in to my thoughts, it seemed. Sometimes I would wake up briefly in the middle of the night; if I went back to sleep quickly, all was quiet. But if I even thought about Susan, almost immediately she would cry out. This happened over and over and over until I finally learned to think of anything but her during my brief nocturnal wakings. If I was successful, she slept on. If I slipped and even thought of not thinking about her, she woke up. It was very strange -- and sometimes frustrating, to have a child that could seemingly read my mind.

As Susan grew, it became apparent that she was very sensitive physically as well. She had the most sensitive skin, and had more diaper rashes than any of my other babies. She was very sensitive to the temperature of food, bathwater, and weather. She would wrinkle her nose at the faintest smell that even my pregnant nose didn't detect, and most foods were too strong tasting for her particular palate. Her emotions were also sensitive; as a little girl, she seemed to vacillate between bitter disappointment and ecstatic euphoria at the flip of a switch. In Susan's world, when life was good, it was very very good, but when it was bad, it was horrid. To be honest, I worried about her more than a little; if she was this temperamental as a four year old, what would the teenage years be like?

As she got older, she continued to demonstrate her uncanny ability to see beyond what most others could. Her older sister soon learned that it was no fun to play Memory with Susan, because not only was Susan's visual memory formidable, but she would often guess matches from cards that had not yet been turned over. When I mediated disputes with the "pick a number between 1 and 100 method" Susan would win much more often than her share, many times guessing the exact number I was thinking of! I must admit that there were a few times that I cheated and changed the number after she guessed, to try to make it a little more fair for the other kids. (Sorry Susan)

I am happy to report that as Susan has grown, that she has developed much more self-control than she had at the age of four. :) Poised to enter her teenage years, she is a beautiful, intelligent, talented young lady with a really fun sense of humor, and has an entertaining knack for silly song lyrics and clever quips that keep us laughing. She is known among her peers as a very kind and loyal friend, with an independence of will that leads her to do what she thinks is right irregardless of what "the crowd" says.

Now on the brink of womanhood, Susan continues to exhibit an unusual level of awareness for things unseen, including a valuable sensitivity to the Holy Ghost. On the surface, she is often quite placid, and usually keeps her own counsel, but I believe that underneath that calm exterior is a young lady that thinks and feels things very deeply. It has been fascinating to watch her grow up and begin to mature into such an amazing person. I am enjoying every minute of it.

Susan, I love you very much. You are an important part of our family, and I am very honored to be your mother.


  1. What a great insight in to Susan. She really is great. Thanks for sharing that!
    I have been checking back often with the hopes of seeing an update on your mother. I hope that all went well yesterday. You've all been in our prayers.

  2. Lisa, what a wonderful glimps into Susan. One that I am sure she will treasure for years to come. What a blessing to have children who are gifted, brilliant, kind, generous, the list goes on and on.

    By the way, how is your mother doing? We are praying for your family.

  3. Thanks, mom! and yeah, I like to play memory. Ü it's one of the only games I can beat my brother at! seriously! he is a chess genius, so there goes my chances at that, and I love chess! sometimes I play it with nathan anyways.

  4. also, how many of you people have ever played a full game of monopoly? me and nathan play that sometimes too. although it often doesn't follow EXACTLY the same rules as the rulebook says... but we'll play it for hours before getting tired of it. I remember the most recent match, where I had one side of the board, the pink side, and he had boardwalk and park place and stuff. well, I put a bazillion hotels on my row so that you almost always had to pay at least like 700 to a thousand dollars to pass. ah, the good life. but then his boardwalk and park place were 2000 dollars for rent. dangit. you can tell we were pretty rich by then. but those were only 2 spaces, so I never actually paid it. haha! we like to play monopoly the jackpot way. we pay all payments that are not to eachother to the middle, and then when someone lands on free parking, they get all the money. it is a good way to get rich. Ü

  5. I like Susan. She is a coolio woman and she even comes to my shows! YAY FOR HER! Plus also YAY FOR KARIANNE FOR GETTING HER TO COME TO MY SHOWS!

  6. Also now I guess that I can't think bad things about Sue any more when she is around me. Cept that won't even be an adjustment because there are no bad things about Sue that I could think of!

  7. That is a pretty cool insight into Susan. What amazes me is how she is always thinking ahead of any situation and is looking out for others. She is a kind a loving sister. Even during Megan's trying two's Susan has great patience and the ability to make life good and fun for the others in the family. Keep up the good works Susan! All you little cousins love you for the way you treat them. M.
    I too would like to hear how your mother is doing.

  8. That was lovely. It is such a gift to have that kind of insight into your child. Now could you please ask Susan where I may have left my keys?

  9. Plus Happy Birthday to Susan TODAY!

  10. Hey susan, about the thing with me always beating you, it's not true cause you can beat me at monopoly, life, pit,( who would be better at trading with the right people to get the right cards?) spoons, this is weired! the mouse is moving very slowly from the bottom of the screen to the top in a diagonal way! Oh, back to the games that sue can beat me at. Hmm. Well, you can beat me at stratego, checkers, and memory.
