Friday, August 1, 2008


We made it. I am so glad to be here and I think that I may NEVER. LEAVE. AGAIN.

More details in tomorrow's posts. Right now I have to unload the stupid van. And people are wondering what's for dinner. Yeah, I'm home, alright.


  1. Yeah! Your home! No more moving the stupid HEAVY coop! My skinny arms can't handle it any more. No more dragging the hose to the garden. No more feeding of the cat and loosing sleep because she hides out for days at a time and I think I have in some way caused her demise. No more bringing in the paper. No more spraying for wasps.
    No more free zuchini, no more texts 30 times a day.
    Oh well, I get to see you, it is still way better you are home.

  2. Welcome Home! Looking forward to clogging with you soon! :)

  3. Even when we are exhausted by it we love it... HOME!
